After you invest time and effort preparing a document, it can be hard to be objective about it. Your mind knows what you mean to say and write, and it automatically compensates when you try to proof and edit your own work. As a result, errors may be overlooked and, unfortunately, appear in the finished product.
No matter what type of document you have—a personal or a corporate one— it pays to have it checked by an experienced professional to identify and correct errors before the work is submitted or published. Here are some services that may be helpful in that process:
- Proofreading
- Copy editing
- Stylistic editing
- Fact-checking
- Researching content
- Supplementing text
- Checking bibliographies/references
In addition to specialized tasks requested, all projects will be routinely checked for:
- Typographical errors
- Proper grammar and punctuation
- Appropriate and consistent format
- Correct sentence structure
- Agreement of subjects and verbs
- Dangling and misplaced modifiers
- Pronoun agreement with antecedents
If you need other services not listed here, just ask!